Privacy Policy for Easy GCS App

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We highly value and respect the privacy of our users. This privacy policy describes how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you use the Easy GCS mobile application. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your personal information.

Information we collect:

No collection of personal information: The Easy GCS app does not collect or store any personal information about users.

How we use information:

No use of personal information: We do not use your personal information because the app does not collect such information.

Security of personal information:

Protection of personal information: Although we do not collect personal information, we are committed to protecting any information you provide through the app.

Google AdMob Advertising:

Advertising: We may integrate advertisements from Google AdMob into our app. Google AdMob may use cookies and similar technologies to provide advertisements based on user preferences. You can learn more about how Google uses information from your app in their Advertising Policy.

User rights:

User rights: Users have the right to access, modify, and delete their personal information. We are committed to assisting users in exercising these rights.

Security measures:

Security measures: We use technical security measures to protect users' personal information.